Saturday, January 28, 2006

Do you procrastinate?

Do you procrastinate? I believe that we all do at times, but some people are so caught up in procrastinating that they are completely immobilized. Successful and fulfilled human beings are people of action. They are the select crowd of people that learned to use and utilize their personal power to break through the walls of procrastination.

Procrastination is the silent killer to the human will and ambition. It holds you down and immobilizes you, robbing you of your ability to take action. If changing your life is as simple as taking action towards what you want, then why don't we all just do it?

The answer is that we procrastinate. We have learned to fear so many different things that we avoid putting ourselves on the line and doing it. Most of the time we all know what to do in order to make our lives work better or improve our environment. BUT then procrastination sets in. We start postponing the very actions that will transform our lives, the very actions that will start building that momentum we need in order to move towards our goals.

We all have personal power. We all have the ability deep within us to take action and transform our lives. I believe that on a deep emotional and spiritual level we all know that, but most of us choose to ignore that. Using and exercising your personal power is one of the first steps you must take in order to overcome procrastination.

First you need to realize and get very clear that procrastination is not a ball and chain around your neck. It is just a habit pattern that you must break if you are going to reclaim your life and take charge of your own destiny. Procrastinators are dragged along by the current of life. They are immobilized and helpless. What will procrastination ultimately cost you. click here to read more on procrastination>>
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Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tony Robbins and the Butterfly Effect

We all know the much overused cliché of "taking baby steps" in order to achieve big things. Maybe that is why so very few people apply this amazingly powerful principle in their lives. I call it a principle because it is absolute and universal. If you look closely at anything in nature you will notice how physically big plants for instance only consist of a number of smaller parts. It is the culmination of all the parts that make up the "bigness" that can only become and exist through a process of growth.

Tony Robbins often talks about the power of making small incremental changes in our lives. The reason why most people never succeed is because in planning on doing too much all at once, they never take the first step in doing something small. Incremental advances taps into one of the building blocks of our universe called compounding. Modern science attributes the principle of compounding to the very existence of our universe.

The principle of compounding simply means that growth is incremental. One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, eight become sixteen ec. This is the way the universe "expands" and this is the way your life expands.

If a big oil tanker sets off on a 5000 mile journey halfway across the globe, obviously it wants to take the shortest route by going in a straight line. Now what if the navigation system wasn't properly calibrated? What if his course was off by just half a degree? The answer is simple: the tanker would end up at the wrong continent. The moral of the story is that we need to really take control of the small things for they are not just important but they are everything. When it comes to fulfilling our dreams or achieving our goals the one very important aspect to keep close to heart is the fact that it only takes one idea to transform everything. It takes just one small adjustment that over time can have a great effect in our lives.

In the movie The Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher, this principle is beautifully illustrated. The butterfly effect refers to the knock on effect that is created in the universe by a butterfly flapping it's wings. At first is seems almost entirely unimportant and insignificant, but over time this can actually create a hurricane or something of great effect by the accumulation of a small effort.

It is the seemingly insignificant steps that eventually create the significant leaps in our lives. We often avoid taking the very actions necessary to make our lives extraordinary because we see these actions as insignificant. Never underestimate the power of the butterfly effect. Always reinforces your decisions with actions and keep taking action towards what you do want instead of what you fear.
Tony Robbins often talks about the same principle. He calls it "global changes." Global changes refer to on>>
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Anthony Robbins Get The Edge

Tony Robbins' latest personal transformation program Get The Edge is indeed a little gem. After being blown away by his all time bestseller Personal Power II, I must admit that I was quite sceptical about this new program.

Essentially it is a "best of Tony Robbins" program and it is very well presented in 7 powerful sessions. The major difference between get The Edge and most of his previous programs is that it is presented in a much more informal way. Tony is profusely practical in Get The Edge and you will learn some of his techniques without even knowing it. The fact that every session includes real time workshops where Tony personally guides you through the exercises ensures that you take action. It is not like the typical "homework style" workbooks that you get with "motivational tapes" these days.

Conveniently the program is divided into 7 days or seven sessions covering the seven most important areas of your life form your relationships to your physical health. Get the Edge delivers on the promise that it will transform your life in seven days. If you follow through on the simple exercises then a new and exciting life filled with joy, passion and motivation will be yours. You've got nothing to loose as there is a 30 day money back guarantee!!. Click here to read more on Get The Edge >>

Monday, January 23, 2006

Just a thought...

This is a really cool quote that Russell Brunson just reminded me of...

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt

Not too much news on the website side of things. I am busy editing every page after I discovered some errors that crept in and then they got repeated over and over again. Anyway, at least the homepage is back up so you can navigate around the site as usual.

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Friday, January 20, 2006

Relationship Transformation

Our desire and need to connect with people on a deep emotional level is built into us as human beings. If handled properly and correctly relationships can be the most beautiful and fulfilling dimension of life. Relationships create a synergy between two people and it is in this synergy where the real joy and pleasure of relationships lie. It is because of this synergy that we just can't get enough of it.

Relationship transformation is not a "quick fix" but installing and adapting habits that allow us to expand and grow in ourselves and in our relationship. The real purpose of a relationship is to enhance and to magnify the experience of life. Is your relationship with your wife/lover/spouse all it could be? Are you magnifying the emotions and experiences of love, passion, joy and compassion or are you magnifying anger, frustration, depression and resentment?

Go to the articles section and reas the latest article on relationship transformation.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

The 10 Day Mental Diet

The 10 Day Mental Diet is a strategy that Tony Robbins adapted from Emmet Fox's 1935 The Seven Day Mental Diet, designed to install new habits of thought that empowers you. The mental diet is like a "mental detox" that cleanses your mind of negative and destructive patterns of thought and feelings you unconsciously dwell on. The 10 day mental diet will help to sensitize you to your unconscious thoughts and thought patterns that play such a big role in the way you feel... read more...>>

For more Tony Robbins Tips, tools, strategies and info visit the Tony Robbins Tips section of our website here >>

Friday, January 13, 2006

Self Esteem Improvement

A lot has been written and speculated on self esteem improvement. Let's just step back for a moment and ask the question why? Why do we want high self esteem? I believe that the answer is that we all want to just feel better, we want to feel good because happiness is nothing but feeling good.

We want what we think a high self esteem will give us weather it be rapport with others, friendships or a better position at work. We want those pleasureable feelings that we will eventually get from having high self esteem.

In order to develop a high self esteem we need to start by definining our own identities. Your identity is nothing but your beliefs about yourself and having empowering beliefs about yourself will immediately change the way you feel about yourself (also known as self esteem). click here to read more on self esteem improvement...
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Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tony Robbins Tools and Strategies

Welcome to a very exciting new part of Tony Robbins Audio Books: we are busy building a database of all the tips, tools, strategies and iseas that Tony Robbins has been teaching, ideas that really work and make a difference in people's lifes. These ideas ranges from the subliminal to the sublime and we intend to list them all with brief discriptions and then showing you where you can find it and learn it.

The first one deals with health and the focus that Tony Robbins puts on physical health and the way you use your body. This one deals specifically with the Tony Robbins Breathing Exercise, a very simple little exercise .... read more>>
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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Tips for living a healthy life.

Is there anything more important than the way you feel? No matter how how many cars you drive or how big your house is, if you don't feel good life is not nearly as good as it could be. If you think about it; we are all pursuing happiness, that state of mind that is best described as feeling good.

With this in mind it is important to realize the importance of physical health. The way you feel will always be experienced through your body and science has only recently prooved this suspicion. Your state of mind at any point in time is determined by a) your physiology and b) your mental focus.

Concerning your physiology, the way you use your body, it is critically to install the habit of caring for your body. It is your temple and you only get one of them. Use it well and remember you get out of it what you put into it. To read more on our basic, yet powerfull tips for living a healthy life click here.
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Anthony Robbins Awaken The Giant Within Review

As promised we started publishing the first of a whole series of reviews of Tony Robins Audio Books. You can read the lastest review of Tony Robbins' Classic book Awaken The Giant Within. Although it was written more than 10 years ago, it is still in my opinion one of the most powerfull personal development books ever written.

The book caused quite a strir when it first came out for it captures the essence of what Tony Robbins has been teaching millions of people across the world to great effect. Wheather you like him or not, his stuff works. If only more people would actually apply what he teaches. As I Am writing this I wish I could properly convey that difference that this book made in my life. Words can't express the phenomenal changes that happened in my life emotionally.

We chose to review the audio book as the paperback is quite a lengthy read at more than 500 pages. The audio book is a much shorter version at only 90 minutes it captures the essence of what Tony Teaches. This book is essential for anyone who is committed to making phenomenal leaps in the quality of their lives. You can read the review here. You can access the rest of the reviews at the reviews here.

A lot of people ask me "where should I start with Tony Robbins?" My answer is simple: start with any of his many books and programs and build and develop from there, but personally I think that Awaken the Giant within is a great place to start to learn how to take immediate control of your physical, financial, mental and emotional destiny RIGHT NOW!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

New Reviews coming soon.

As promised we are moving into full gear with the new website. We made some changes to the layout but nothing serious. The latest addition is our Links page that is aimed at providing quality content links to sites we feel would be usefull to you. You can check out the links page at . There's not too much in there yet but we will be adding stuff as it comes along. If you know of anyone that can benefit from Tony Robbins and what he teaches please refer them to our site.
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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Latest News

With all the new years celebrations behind us it's time to get doen to business. I must admit that the website progress is not as fast as we are hoping for but real plans are layed down and we are ready to kick start things immediately.

The first part of the website that we are working on at the moment is our biggest priority as this is on the most questions we get from readers. It is the Tony Robbins Audio Books section, that gives brief summaries from all the Tony Robbins books that we review. Obviously this is quite a slow process as reviewing and actually using and learning the different programs is quite slow but very insightfull and rewarding.

We've got some big plans for 2006: just wait and see!!
visit the sitemap to find anything you might need. |