Thursday, April 27, 2006

Designing your Future Today

Designing your life is actually a perfect analogy for the way our lives “become.” The psychology of becoming states that we are always in a process of moving towards the picture we have of ourselves. All of design is a process and as human beings we design by re-organizing stuff that is. We can never really “create” – we merely take what is and arrange it in such a way that we make something “new.” Design is the process of creating; of using your resources (mind, emotion, time, energy ec.) and forming something. To experience this creation we make physical stuff that you can touch and feel. We all have this inherent drive to engage all our senses to truly enjoy something. When you manifest this desire you create by designing – you take a desire ( becomes an idea ( get emotional ( take action ( get a result or ( result is either physical or leads to another idea that takes you closer to your vision.

The main difference between a phenomenal success and an average Joe comes down to focus. It’s true that you can change your mind/goals as often as you like but that is what makes an for a mediocre life (life that is less than your potential). Controlling and directing your mind and focus on a single definite purpose is step one in achieving any goal (Napoleon Hill explains this very well).

All of creation is actually by design. Manifesting/creating anything is always from “thought” to “thing” and it is fuelled by emotion. When you take an idea and are moved by it you take action and you create a result. It always starts with an idea, but in our limited capacity to fully comprehend the complexity of life as a whole we only “see” things partially and have to create in a process where ideas unfold. This almost always require of you to make adjustments – the best way from A to B is not necessarily the quickest way. Any goal we pursue is not about the actual goal but more about the person you become. This is why so many self made millionaires can make another million when they go bankrupt, but a lottery winner end up dead or dead broke within 3 years.

It’s never about getting “things” anyway. What we are actually after are the feelings/emotions that we think we will get from it. Being clear on what you really want will enrich your experience of life greatly. You’ll stop pursuing “things” but start pursuing emotions and qualities that you want as a person. These things are eternal; that what you become as a person can never be taken from you and is the real “purpose” of life. To become something an not to collect things. This will give you fulfilment which is one of the most amazing human emotions.

Overcome procrastination, take action and create results. Talk is cheap and remains a dream until you take action. "One day" usually never comes. Action makes your desires real. Procrastination keeps your potential locked up and prevents you from designing the destiny of your choosing. You get to choose between a life of choice or a life of chance. What's it going to be?

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