Monday, July 31, 2006
Whyfore Art Though?
I believe that we all have a purpose for being here. There is a reason why you are here in this universe and that there is a specific role for you to fulfil. Even though this is a belief, I do think that anyone who is in touch with their spirit (or soul or other self) will know that there is a part of you that long for more than just the day to day physical needs of life. We all long for more and this longing, in a sense is fulfilled by your purpose. Your purpose in life is not a pre-assigned role, but rather a decision that you make as a result of introspection. There is no black board in the sky on which your purpose is written. There is however feelings and experiences that you long to experience while you are here and your purpose is what will cause you to experience, feel and be that which you long for on the deepest level of being a human "being."
The original Latin meaning of the word purpose is derived from the word intention; meaning that your purpose is there by (your) design and is something that you intend either consciously or unconsciously. When you intend for something to happen you are the one that makes it happen; it is not something or someone outside of yourself. Most people spent all their lives waiting for "a sign" as to what their purpose is. They spend all their lives trying to find their purpose instead of just deciding and using the power of intent to make things happen. Nelson Mandela as a young man saw things he did not like and he decided that his purpose in life will be to rid the world of racial inequalities. This became the very reason for him living and even though his purpose lead him on a very rocky road, his purpose did not change. All this was born in a truly committed decision. His committed decision lead to a definiteness of purpose; something that did not change, despite all the odds being against him. He found a purpose that was much bigger than himself that gave him leverage to achieve the impossible. Click here to read more >>
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Your Past: More is Less.
"The past is our definition. We may strive, with
good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is
bad in it, but we will escape it only by adding
something better to it."
Leslie Poles, the famous writer once said that "the past is like a foreign country; the do things differently there." Your past can do only one of two things for you. It can either empower you and serve as a place to learn and take joy from or it can limit you and keep you locked up in your rigid older self.
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Sunday, July 23, 2006
Count Your Chickens Before They've Hatched.
We live in a culture were the predominant psychology is based in fear. The fear of loss drives and motivates most people's decisions and behaviours. From this mindset the culture invented mechanisms to protect itself and saying like "don't count your chickens before they've hatched" is but only and illustration of how the culture prepares and "grooms" us from an early age to settle for the lowest denominator. "Go for the lowest and easiest to make sure that you at least get something." Don't expect too much, just in case you don't get anything at all. From this mindset we loose all our power; the power that is born in the belief that we are indeed worthy of all the success and all the abundance that we can possibly dream of.
Expectation is indeed one of the most powerful resources that you possess. An intense anticipation can transform possibility into reality. One of the biggest reasons why most people never get to live their dreams is because they lack the motivation to follow their dreams. The real purpose of a goal is to act like a directional mechanism that guides your life in a specific direction. A strong and exciting goal has the power to motivate and inspire you. When you fuel this goal with expectation you set in motion an unstoppable force that will give you that internal drive that will enable you to move mountains. When you count your chickens before they've hatched you create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm that has immense power to motivate you. Success and achievement are rarely the result of your ability but rather the product of your motivation; of your ability to consistently take action on your dreams and goals. Click here to read more…
Is your life working?
When you relinquish your need to judge everything as being good or bad, right or wrong you will start to awaken to the perfection of everything in life. Hot cannot exist without cold and happiness cannot exist without sadness. Therefore you should welcome every experience and bless every situation. Your life is exactly the way it should be. You are exactly the way you should be. Whether you say it's working or whether you say it's not, either way you will be right. When you say it, you start to believe your own story and when you believe it, it becomes your experience. That is what feels real and that is what you call "the truth."
Life works with an unfaltering exactitude. Nothing is left to change. You are exactly where you should be as a result of what you chose, either consciously or unconsciously. Instead of blaming yourself you can start to see the beauty of this and start to see that it is in fact perfect – maybe not in it's experience but most definitely in it's conception. What is perfection anyway? Is it not merely a judgement? Read More…
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
I Do therefore I am: The True Value and Meaning of Experience.
We all long to experience the objects of our desire. Knowing simply isn't enough. We want to feel and we want to experience that which we know by engaging all our senses and all of our nervous system to fully comprehend that which exists only as impulses in our minds. Until and unless you actually experience something it will remain an idea and a concept that will always leave you wanting more. Experience is the process by which you turn your intellectual knowledge into a physical experience and when you experience it, it becomes real because you get to feel it in your nervous system. You involve your emotions and, in the process, you get to feel the fullness of a concept turned real and made manifest in reality. You can know yourself to be kind, but until and unless you do something kind, the idea will remain intellectual and weak. Only when you take the idea and act on it will you create the experience. Having the experience of kindness is what you really want.
Experience then is something we create by taking an idea and putting it to use through action. It is when you use your will to take action when you get to "see" the invisible idea take shape in physical form and through physical experience. We all have a deep seeded need to experience that which we know intellectually and that which we crave to experience through our senses and our emotions. From this point of view we are all constantly striving to experience through our physical bodies and our emotions that which we hold as an idea in our intellect and our minds. Click here to read more…
Monday, July 10, 2006
Great Expectations?
or she begins with some wild expectations." - RALPH CHARELL
What are your expectations for your life? Are you excited about your future or are you facing it with apprehension and fear? For most people the future holds too many uncertainties and the fear of what might happens tends to overshadow the ray of light that represents the life they ultimately desire. One of the hardest things to do in life is to lift yourself out of your current circumstance and step up to the level of life you desire.
We all live with an unconscious expectation of ourselves and our own lives. This expectation not only determines what we have in our lives but it also represents what we are willing to settle for. Expectation is a very powerful emotion and one that very few people ever learn to fully cultivate. Whatever you expect with certainty is what you will get in your life. Expectation is the emotional state where an idea becomes so real that you feel it even though you can't hold it yet. Expectation is like an invisible magnet that will attract into your life that which you expect. When you expect something you activate and engage those parts of your mind and your nervous system that can empower you to think the unthinkable and do the undoable. One of the most powerful ways to cultivate expectation is to develop a very clear vision for your life.
Most people never even make the time to really define what they want from their lives, but even those who do follow the hope and pray strategy. They kind of know what they want but they don't believe they can have it, so they hope that something will happen and come along their life path to fulfil their desires. Expectation however, is a completely different mindset. It is a mindset of absolute certainty that can be consciously cultivated. Inherent in hoping there is a sense of doubt as you always hold two opposing results in your minds eye. When you expect something you know it is definitely happening. The very focus of your mind dwells upon one definite end result. To turn a hope into an expectation, you simply eliminate doubt and fear by eliminating the opposing outcome. Instead of "seeing" something fail or succeed, you now only see the success. With expectation your actions, your words and your imagination dwells upon and reflects you already having and being exactly what you want. When you expect something you remove the doubt that is inherent in hoping. More…
The Effects of Procrastination
One of the most obvious effects of procrastination is the failure to reap the rewards that would come from taking action. When you procrastinate you simple fail to take action on the very things you know will bring you the rewards that you desire. Although you know what you want and even what you need to do to get it, you still have to take action and it's usually at this point where procrastination sets in.
Because the results that you desire are often something bigger and better than what you currently have, you must step outside your comfort zone to get it. You might have to take actions that you are not comfortable with to which your unconscious mind reacts by "protecting" you against that which is uncomfortable. Although the short term effects of procrastination might seem as "positive" the long term effects are almost always negative.
Failing to reap the rewards of taking action can have many knock on effects. Taking action on your ideas and desires is one of your most empowering gifts. It is the process by which you can make the intangible tangible. Through your actions and your behaviour you create or un-create your life. It's not only the direct results of your actions that creates you outcomes, but often the very fact that you are actually consciously affecting the conditions of your life. It not just your actions, but rather your failure to take action that will have a greater effect on the rewards you reap from life. From this point of view the effects of procrastination is not just a direct but also an indirect loss of rewards. Every action is a cause set in motion that affects and build on past and future events to the point where we can never really determine the actual effect of one specific action. More than anything else, action opens you up to opportunity. More…
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
How to Create Sustainable Success
This way of thinking, this mindset, acts like a virus that can “kill” you. If not emotionally then spiritually. Our modern culture is filled with numerous examples of top achievers who seemingly have everything but they are deeply unhappy and constantly have to battle with the challenges within their own character. They fail to grasp the true purpose of success. From it's latin origin, the word success actually means "to advance" or "to progress" which implies that success is not "something" you get at the end but a process that has very little to do with the end result. From this point of view success is what will improve your life as it is what moves you forward to a better experience of life.
In their pursuit of a greater quality of life most people loose sight of the real reason why they actually want to be successful in the first place. It is never the "things" but rather the way you believe these things will make you feel once you've got them. Your success will be either obtainable or sustainable. Most of your desires will be obtainable within your lifetime but this no guarantee that you will be happy and fulfilled. When you strive for collecting and accumulating "things" you will experience very little fulfilment as you will always rely on something external to give you the feelings that you want to experience inside you; feelings that you believe will come from having what you pursue. Click here to read more >>
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Looks Can Be Perceiving.
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - ALBERT EINSTEIN
Don't you sometimes wish you had the ability to just change some bad experience in your life instantaneously? At times we all indulge in the lure of quick fixes and the challenge of working through our problems often seem too arduous and like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. There is, however a “quick fix” that can help you change virtually anything immediately. It is one of the key differences that separates happy, fulfilled and successful people from those who life a life of frustration, reaction and quiet desperation.
We all live in a world that we can "see" and "touch", but this world is not really a physical world at all. It is actually a perceived world that exists only in your mind. Although the physical world might be exactly the same, different people will "see" different things and consequently have different experiences. What we see might be the same but whet we perceive is very different for every person. When someone is born with thick corneal opacities they cannot see. Even when, later in life, an operation gives sight to that person, the person still cannot see because to them the world they "see" is just a blur of light, colours and disorganized shapes. There is no meaning to what they experience with their senses. Scientist used to believe that we respond to information flowing into the brain, but we now know, scientifically, that it is actually our interpretation of the information that determines our response. Our past experiences create an expectancy that is primarily based on what we "know" and what we "know" is that which has happened before. Click here to read the article >>
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