Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Tony Robbins and the Butterfly Effect

We all know the much overused cliché of "taking baby steps" in order to achieve big things. Maybe that is why so very few people apply this amazingly powerful principle in their lives. I call it a principle because it is absolute and universal. If you look closely at anything in nature you will notice how physically big plants for instance only consist of a number of smaller parts. It is the culmination of all the parts that make up the "bigness" that can only become and exist through a process of growth.

Tony Robbins often talks about the power of making small incremental changes in our lives. The reason why most people never succeed is because in planning on doing too much all at once, they never take the first step in doing something small. Incremental advances taps into one of the building blocks of our universe called compounding. Modern science attributes the principle of compounding to the very existence of our universe.

The principle of compounding simply means that growth is incremental. One becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, eight become sixteen ec. This is the way the universe "expands" and this is the way your life expands.

If a big oil tanker sets off on a 5000 mile journey halfway across the globe, obviously it wants to take the shortest route by going in a straight line. Now what if the navigation system wasn't properly calibrated? What if his course was off by just half a degree? The answer is simple: the tanker would end up at the wrong continent. The moral of the story is that we need to really take control of the small things for they are not just important but they are everything. When it comes to fulfilling our dreams or achieving our goals the one very important aspect to keep close to heart is the fact that it only takes one idea to transform everything. It takes just one small adjustment that over time can have a great effect in our lives.

In the movie The Butterfly Effect with Ashton Kutcher, this principle is beautifully illustrated. The butterfly effect refers to the knock on effect that is created in the universe by a butterfly flapping it's wings. At first is seems almost entirely unimportant and insignificant, but over time this can actually create a hurricane or something of great effect by the accumulation of a small effort.

It is the seemingly insignificant steps that eventually create the significant leaps in our lives. We often avoid taking the very actions necessary to make our lives extraordinary because we see these actions as insignificant. Never underestimate the power of the butterfly effect. Always reinforces your decisions with actions and keep taking action towards what you do want instead of what you fear.
Tony Robbins often talks about the same principle. He calls it "global changes." Global changes refer to on>>
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