Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Thoughts to Action - Creating your world

The process of all creation is founded in thought. You are who and where you are because of your consistent thoughts for it creates your reality. One of the most inspirational books on thinking and the effect of your thoughts still is James Allen's classic As a man thinketh. Although it's less scientific (written in 1900's), it gives a wonderful insight into the power and effect of thought. "As a man Thinketh so he is...In the armory of thought man has made or unmade himself."

“To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly, and accomplish masterfully.” – James Allen

Everybody keeps saying that you must think positively, but how? The problem with positive thinking is that you have to think about it. Thinking is nothing but the process of asking and answering questions in your mind. It is our unique ability as humans to "reason." But, for most this is their own worse enemy. You can take conscious control of your thoughts by taking control of the questions you ask yourself. By habitually asking empowering questions you become a "positive thinker"

Thinking is also vitally important in controlling and directing the focus of your mind. Your focus or concentration is effectively your focus. Visualization is important because your mind thinks in images. We all visualize whether we know it or not and we use words to communicate with ourselves. These words or internal conversations help "build" the images that is thought. With visualization we think things into being - our consistent thoughts implanted into the reticular activating system of the brain which is designed to screen what we pay attention to. The average human being thinks more than 69 000 thoughts a day. The problem is that 90% of these thoughts are the same as yesterday - we have habitual thoughts that either empower or disempowering us. Be daring in your thinking and grow in your thoughts.

Be careful who and what you surround yourself with as it greatly effects not just what you think about but also how you think about (your) life. Acting on your thought is often hard to do, but it is exactly that way by design. That resistance is what you need to grow as a person to grow in your thinking and your capacity to create. You grow your "emotional muscle" when you act on the things that feels uncomfortable. The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of discomfort you can comfortably deal with. You grow when you go from awkward to natural. A thought without an action do not produce a result, but it will inspire all your actions.

“All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts.” – James Allen

Only action create results. Procrastination will keep you from doing the very things that will give you an extraordinary quality of life. Taking conscious control of your thinking will empower you to push past apparent obstacles and by installing habitual patterns of thinking about your life and yourself will crumble procrastination and drive you to action and action is what create results.

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