Monday, May 15, 2006

Easy does it, doesn't it?

"We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing. Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action."  - Frank Tibolt

One of the major reasons why most people never achieve great is because they fail to even start. If you want to achieve something great the thought of it is often so overwhelming that most people never attempt it. They made it way too big in their heads, because if you think about it every great achievement happens by taking the first step and then taking a series of smaller steps. Neither success (nor failure) is a single cataclysmic event.
When you set out to accomplish something that seems “big” there is one essential skill you need to learn and that is to master the art of chunking things down. No matter how big the task you can always break it down into smaller “bitesized” tasks. Smaller tasks are less overwhelming and more believable and therefore you are more likely to take action.
Feeling overwhelmed by the “size” of the task is almost always imagined – you make the task out to be too difficult or too big. Whenever anything is “too” you should realize three things and act on it: Firstly you are making it up as nothing can be too – trust that you always have the ability to deal with anything that comes across your path. Secondly whenever you perceive anything as "too" you should know that it is only your perception – you are controlling and directing (or misdirecting) your focusing in such a way that you feel overwhelmed. Your focus equals your reality. Focus on that which you can control. Thirdly, Chunk it down – break the too up into smaller tasks that is not too. Just do something that you feel you can comfortably do and by doing this you will build momentum.
You do not have to see the whole staircase, you just need to see the next step! If you want to drive a thousand miles at night you won’t see the destination and your headlights only allow you to see a hundred yards in front of you. If you keep focusing in front of you and what you can see you will eventually be able to travel great distances. This is also very true for your life and it will empower you to make great journeys. Just take that first step and next one will unfold and become “visible” as you move forward and take the next and the next until you wake up one day to look back on a mighty mountain that you climbed without even noticing. A world famous mountaineer was once asked “how do you do it?” his answer was profound: “step by step!”

www.The Self Improvement – All you I need is with me and within me right now. I can be, do and have whatsoever I want.
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