Monday, December 26, 2005

Website Update: Self Improvement Ideas

I trust that you all had a fantastic Christmas and that the warmth and love that you all shared with friends and family will stay with you.

We have just added two cool new articles too get you all off the Christmas coaches. Both articles deal with simple self improvement ideas. The first is about decisions and the power of making REAL decisions. Decisions are what precedes all of our actions and it the actions we take on a daily basis that leads us to our ultimate destination or destiny.

The second articles discusses some simple ideas on improving our thoughts. This is quite a big one for most of us seeing that we are always thinking. Our minds are always occupied with something and the simple truth is that if we occupy our minds with bad things we feel bad. If we occupy our minds with good things we feel good and if we feel good we are happy. The importance of learning to control our thoughts and our minds are critically important if we want to achieve anything of real value or even if we just want to make some simple changes in our lives.

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