Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Website Update

We just uploaded two new articles. The first looks at the power and importance of Focus in having an extraordinary psychology. Whatever we focus on we move towards and therefore it is critically to focus on what we want and not on what we fear or worry about. We also discuss the the importance of questions as a tool to help direct your focus. I trust this will give you some more insight into the power of focus. Remember that controlled focus is like a laserbeam that blasts through all the obstacles that might be in your way. read it here >>

The second artile deals with motivation and motivational audio books. We disect the concept of motivation to find out exactly what it is and what it does. We establish certain criteria for evaluating motivational audio books and ask the question "why do we need motivational audio books?" read it here>>

I look forward to all your questions and comments.

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