Sunday, March 13, 2011

Methods for Bulimia Therapy

It is well-known that bulimia can at times result in fatality if it is not treated and allowed to continue. Bulimia is widely recognized, and it is characterized by eating binges and causing oneself to throw up. Other techniques of purging involve using laxatives or possibly diuretics. It is prevalent for people with this condition to perceive themselves to be overweight, and very often that is not true. Several aspects about the thinking include remarkably negative feelings regarding fat and food. What is ordinarily seen is approximately two years after puberty takes place, then bulimia can materialize. There can be other issues connected and possibly contributing to this condition for instance pressures, depression, low self esteem plus others.

The untreated bulimic can experience life threatening lack of adequate nutrition and excessive loss of fluids. In the past, there have been well recognized bulimics in the news who have passed away from this condition. As an example, the highly successful singer from the 70s, Karen Carpenter, fought bulimia for years. Her condition weakened her heart a great deal and it simply killed her. That's why bulimia must be treated at once, and it is completely treatable which is great.

But if treatment does not take place, then a extended situation can result in dangerously low amounts of nutrients. If heavy use of laxatives is involved, then that can make the person badly constipated. Other linked side effects are injury to throat and mouth tissue from the stomach acid. Dental problems are frequent from the acid, and that can result in destruction of tooth enamel rapidly as well as gum swelling. More severe complications can be kidney and heart malfunction. The difficulties associated with chronic and severe dehydration are a dangerous decrease in healthy levels of electrolytes. Extreme lack of electrolytes for too much of a period will cause heart attack and death. The rough fatality rate because of bulimia is normally ten percent.

Effective treatment methods of this disorder involves the patient and family, family doctors, and professional psychiatric or psychological guidance and treatment. In addition, it can be helpful to involve a licensed dietician so the correct diet can be provided to help rebuild the body. The issues involving food are especially addressed with proper psychological help. Also, the patient will intentionally be made aware of the potential dangers to life and health. Possibly all patients possess their own personal challenges that have contributed, and medical professionals will try to help them resolve or handle those problems. One critical area of work will be to motivate the patient to communicate in a more open manner and discuss his or her inner thoughts.

Bulimia is often addressed, but there needs to be prompt intervention. The patient will achieve a lot if the parents and brothers and sisters can be there to offer supporting help in whatever fashion is necessary. Further supportive efforts may involve group therapy as the patient works to heal from the disorder. However the most important thing that must come about is the bulimic has to freely realize and accept there's a significant problem. Additionally it is very important for this person to fully grasp that a very dangerous idea toward food and eating is present.
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