Thursday, April 21, 2011

Habits that Sabotage Your Ab Building Efforts

Everybody wants ab muscles that are strong, firm and pretty. This is perhaps the main reason that we invest all that time training and worrying whenever we get the slightest glimpse of the "muffin top." Unfortunately, even though you spend hours a day at the gym trying to keep your body toned and fit there are some habitsthings you probably dont even think about that could be completely sabotaging your efforts. In this article we're going to look at some of the things that could be keeping your belly flabby.

Do you spend lots of time in front of the television? Sure, occasionally laying on the couch and viewing hours of television is just what you need to feel better. Maybe youve experienced a hard day, perhaps youre really stressed out, and maybe you just need a day to decompress. All the same, there are studies done which show people who spend more than a couple of hours each day sitting and watching television have a ten percent greater chance of having weak muscles in their backs and bellies. The very best way to counteract this is to get your workout in, in front of the tv. Obviously this is a far better plan for those who work out in their own homes.

How oftentimes do you allow your stress levels to reach their breaking point? If you work in a highly stressful job or your home life is exceedingly stressful, this could be counteracting the work that you put in when you exercise. People who may have constant stress or worry troubles tend to pack on extra belly fat. You may also help yourself by learning good relaxation techniques and keeping your stress levels at a minimum. Deep breathing methods, for instance, can do quite a lot to keep your stress levels at a manageable degree every day.

Eating snacks late in the evening may also be contributing to your flabby middle, even though you work out each day. Eating a snack prior to lying down to get some sleep virtually just ensures that your food is more likely to get saved in your fat cells for later. At night once we sleep all of our bodys systems slow down so the body isnt as likely to begin burning off that snack right away. Keep your snacking amounts decreased and do not eat anything at all for at least a couple of hours before you go to bed.

There are some who'll tell you that you should keep away from bread if you want to keep your abs in good shape. This is absolutely up to you--studies have confirmed that bread can be both good for your energy and nutrition levels and studies that show bread does nothing but make you fat. Ask your physician what kind of information or guidance is the most relevant to you and the rest of your body.

Keeping ab muscles powerful involves a lot more than just working out for a couple of hours each day. You must be vigilant even when you're not at the gym. Watch what you eat, when you eat it and try to keep stress low.
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